Eye Of Storm

Where, we wondered, were we now
In the eye of storm?
But how?
The rain hitting the scared crowd,
Demons standing bold and proud.
Afraid are we?
Scared are we?
Lost are we?
The whole crowd bowed,
we stood there thinking how?
Will they win this?
Will we lose this?
Will they spill this?
Will we miss this?
The eye of storm opened now,
Brought fear and turmoil,
The blood seeped through the soil.
The people made a clitter-clatter,
Screams, screech and spiltter-spatter.
The monster rose from the water,
They ran in jungle-wolves and otter.
We lift our swords, we ran towards them,
Swiftly sprinting towards the hem.
The people shouted,
scared and doubted.
We cut through the demon crowd,
Half the army bowed now.
The beast inside roared like lion,
Good and bad,
two sides of coin.
Arrows and bow,
broken now,
The monsters lying on the ground.
My back is layered with scars,
Moonlight and fall of stars.
People ran and cheer,
Hugging their loved ones, meeting their peer.
We stopped and looked,
The blood was washed by brook.
The atmosphere cooled,
And flowers bloomed.
Centaurs celebrated,
The birds hooted.
Turned our face towards the sun,
We leave this place taught and learned.
We did this.
We win this.
We are this.

                                          By-Kanu Supriya Jha


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